Dreamers Friend
Bj Tortorici, M.H.
Interpreter of Dreams
It has been proven that dreaming is an important part of our life and is vital to our physical
and mental health. If you experience sleep deprivation you may find yourself hard pressed to make up that sleep and don't forget, you have also lost your precious dream time.
Your dream is a message from God, just for you, so receive your dream and let it gently whisper to your heart. Our Heavenly Father has so much in mind for you, more than any of us could imagine--
and He is willing to show you in your dreams.
The good Lord has created us to spend a lot of time dreaming, so don't you think that He has great
purpose in the dreams that are sent to us? In fact down through history you will discover many famous
people who have received revelation and wisdom through their dreams. While you are sleeping a dream will deliver a message that comes to you when your body is at peace while you are calm and
settled. Many times this is the only time God can speak with you, then He will whisper deep into your spirit.
He is the Great Dream Weaver who communicates with you
about your future and not only your destiny but the destinies
of those that you care for and love.